Back to School Tip: Prevent Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) Now that kids are back in school, they’re around lots of other kids–and lots of other kids’ germs. Viruses and bacteria are present on objects kids touch every day, including door handles,...
Is Your Student at Risk for Digital Eye Strain and Fatigue? With an ever-increasing amount of technology in schools, back-to-school season can mean more screen time, and that puts kids at risk for digital eye strain and fatigue. What is Digital Eye Strain? From the...
Attention Parents: Earlier is Better for Amblyopia Treatment What is Amblyopia? As the leading cause of visual impairment among children, amblyopia affects approximately 2 to 3 of every 100 children. The condition occurs when vision in one eye is reduced; though the...
Is a School Vision Screening “Good Enough” for Your Student? It’s August! Where did the summer go? In just a few short weeks your kids will be heading back to school in a flurry of photos and emotions as you watch them start the new school year. You...
Scratched Cornea? What to Do―and What Not to Do July is Eye Injury Prevention Month, which makes it the perfect time to highlight one of the most common eye injuries, corneal abrasions. What are Corneal Abrasions? If you’ve ever scratched your cornea (the front...
We participate with VSP, EyeMed, Davis Vision, Superior Vision, Community Eye Care as well as other vision plans. Please call to verify your vision plan if not listed.
We accept Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC, Medicare, NC Medicaid, CIGNA, Aetna, United Health Care, Humana and more. Please call our office to verify your coverage with us.
For other insurance plans, we will help to file the claim so that the patient will be reimbursed.
We accept Cash, Personal Checks, Visa®, MasterCard®, Discover®, American Express® & CareCredit®.