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8 Eye-Healthy Tips For Viewing The April 8 Solar Eclipse

8 Eye-Healthy Tips For Viewing The April 8 Solar Eclipse

As an optometric practice, we understand the excitement around the upcoming total solar eclipse on April 8, 2024. Many major U.S. cities will be in total darkness when the moon passes directly between the Earth and the sun that day, including Dallas, Little Rock,...

Eye Safety at Home: Keep Your Family’s Vision Intact

Eye Safety at Home: Keep Your Family’s Vision Intact

Your home is your safe haven — or is it? About half of all eye injuries happen in and around your home! The good news? You can reduce your risk of eye injury by 90% by wearing protective eyewear. The bad news? Only three in ten people wear eye protection, even...

Why Retinal Detachment is an Eyecare Emergency

Why Retinal Detachment is an Eyecare Emergency

Why Retinal Detachment is an Eyecare Emergency Your retina is the extremely light-sensitive nerve tissue at the back of your eye that enables your eye to focus and see. The retina captures and processes incoming light and images, then passes that information to the...

Is Your Student At Risk for Progressive Myopia?

Is Your Student At Risk for Progressive Myopia?

In our offices and around the country, optometrists are seeing a significant—and disturbing—new trend: more and more patients are presenting with myopia, or nearsightedness. People with myopia can see close-up objects clearly, but objects at a distance...

7 Ways College Students Can Protect Their Eye Health

7 Ways College Students Can Protect Their Eye Health

Are you the parent of a college student or a new college student yourself? It’s a big responsibility! College days are full of excitement and learning. Sometimes you learn in a classroom, and sometimes you learn things from friends in a dorm or other social...