Our Blog

5 Questions about Diabetes and Your Eye Health

5 Questions about Diabetes and Your Eye Health

It’s that time again – the “use it or lose it” end-of-year push to make your pre-tax Flexible Spending Account (FSA) dollars count! There are a number of qualifying optometric products and services to keep in mind when caring for your eye...

5 Questions about Diabetes and Your Eye Health

5 Questions about Diabetes and Your Eye Health

In the last 20 years, the number of American adults diagnosed with diabetes has doubled. Did you know that 37 million Americans have diabetes, and approximately 21% of those are unaware that they have it? Couple that statistic with the 96 million people considered...

6 Benefits of Wearing Sunglasses Every Day

6 Benefits of Wearing Sunglasses Every Day

Sunglasses are an essential part of summer! You’ve probably been wearing them since you were a kid when mom or dad would remind you to put them on before going outside to play. Then, as a teenager they became a cool accessory. And as an adult, you may wonder:...

10 Fun Facts About Sunglasses

10 Fun Facts About Sunglasses

July is UV Safety Month. In our optometry practice, eye safety is always top-of-mind. Did you know that the sun’s harmful rays can damage your eyes if you don’t protect them? You slather on the sunscreen to protect your skin from sunburn before you go...

5 Benefits of Cataract Removal

5 Benefits of Cataract Removal

As we age, our cells and tissues start to break down in predictable ways. Some of these familiar age-related ailments include arthritis of the joints, osteoporosis of the bones, and atherosclerosis of the arteries. Changes that occur in the eye as we get older cause...