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Help Your Student Avoid Pink Eye This School Year

Help Your Student Avoid Pink Eye This School Year

In the U.S. alone, students miss an average of 3 million school days a year due to symptoms of conjunctivitis or “pink eye” as it is commonly known. Pink eye is highly contagious and can spread rapidly in areas of close contact, such as schools, daycares,...

Is Your Student at Risk for Digital Eye Strain?

Is Your Student at Risk for Digital Eye Strain?

Technology today offers your student so many good things, but Digital Eye Strain isn’t one of them. Also called Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS), this condition is the result of prolonged use of tablets, computers, e-readers, and cell phones — every type of...

10 Ways Vision and Learning are Linked

10 Ways Vision and Learning are Linked

Whether your child is back in the classroom this year or learning virtually, you want your student to learn in the most effective way possible. Did you know that there’s one key factor in learning that is sometimes overlooked? That factor is how well the eyes...

5 Visual Skills Your Child Needs This School Year

5 Visual Skills Your Child Needs This School Year

While this back-to-school season is unlike every other back-to-school season we’ve ever experienced, one thing that remains the same: It’s important that your student is seeing their best so they can take advantage of every learning opportunity presented...