Our Blog

What are Eye Floaters?

What are Eye Floaters?

What are Eye Floaters? If you haven’t yet experienced floaters in the eye, it’s understandable that you may be puzzled about what they are and what they look like. However, as you age, floaters become more common. You will get used to seeing an oddly...

Why Retinal Detachment is an Eyecare Emergency

Why Retinal Detachment is an Eyecare Emergency

Why Retinal Detachment is an Eyecare Emergency Your retina is the extremely light-sensitive nerve tissue at the back of your eye that enables your eye to focus and see. The retina captures and processes incoming light and images, then passes that information to the...

Retinal Detachment: Are You at Risk?

Retinal Detachment: Are You at Risk?

We explored the critical role the retina plays in maintaining healthy vision in our previous blog post and offered lifestyle adjustments that promote retinal health for you and your family. Here’s a brief recap: eat lots of orange veggies (carrots, sweet...

Do Your Glasses Work and Play as Hard as You Do?

Do Your Glasses Work and Play as Hard as You Do?

If you’re like most Americans, you or your kids may be involved in multiple sports and have specific safety gear and helmets that you use when skiing, playing football or riding your bicycle. Similarly, you likely have specific footwear for those same...

Optic Neuropathy: Do You Know the Signs?

Optic Neuropathy: Do You Know the Signs?

Brain Awareness Week is March 12-18, 2018, a time when the National Eye Institute focuses on brain neuropathy and how it impacts vision—because without the complex function of our brains working in conjunction with our eyes, we couldn’t see. The optic...