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Why Parents Must Prioritize Back-To-School Eye Exams For School-Age Kids
August is Vision and Learning Month in the U.S. The goal of observing this vital link between vision and how we learn serves to enhance awareness among both parents and educators about how often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed visual problems impact a...
9 Ways To Protect Eyes from UV Damage
As we continue observing National UV Safety Month throughout July, we want to offer smart strategies to help you minimize the exposure your eyes have to harmful UV rays. Minimizing UV ray exposure can help maintain your healthy vision for as long as possible. UV ray...
Top 5 Holiday Eye Safety Tips
1. Sharp-Edged ToysAs gifts are opened Christmas morning, take the time to check for any sharp/pointy edges. Eye injuries often occur on Christmas Day when excited children play with new toys. 2. Mistletoe CollisionsThe mistletoe is meant to be a surprise, but...
Are you considering LASIK?
Are you considering LASIK? Here are a few of the questions to ask during your appointment: Is my prescription within the approved range? LASIK is approved by the FDA to treat certain degrees of nearsightedness, farsightedness and certain types and degrees of...
Do you have Dry Eye Syndrome?
In the U.S. there are between 20-30 million dry eye sufferers. Unfortunately only about 5% of those have been diagnosed with the disease and treated. Millions of people are unaware that there is a solution to their discomfort. Dry Eye Syndrome happens when your eyes...