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9 Ways To Protect Eyes from UV Damage
As we continue observing National UV Safety Month throughout July, we want to offer smart strategies to help you minimize the exposure your eyes have to harmful UV rays. Minimizing UV ray exposure can help maintain your healthy vision for as long as possible. UV ray...
Why It’s Smart To Protect Your Eyes From the Sun
It’s the dog days of summer! If it’s not hot enough for you in July, it never will be. July is National UV Safety Awareness Month. With more than 14 hours of sunlight each day, it’s a great opportunity to learn why you need to protect your eyes from...
As the US population ages, cases of Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) are expected to double. Right now more than 2 million people are affected by AMD. Although AMD is the most common cause of eyesight problems in people over 50 years old, it doesn’t affect...
Keeping an “Eye” on your Eyes
Healthy eyes are an important part of your overall health plan. There are many things you can do to keep them healthy and make sure you are seeing your best. Follow these simple steps as you age: Have a comprehensive dilated eye exam. Your vision may seem fine to...
Fall Sports Concussions
It’s Football Season Again! Football season opens more discussions about concussions or traumatic brain injuries (TBI) but they are not isolated to football – soccer and field hockey are also sports with risks for head injuries. In fact, cheerleaders have the fifth...