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How Guide Dogs Empower the Blind and Visually Impaired
Earlier in October, we observed World Sight Day, a global event dedicated to raising awareness about eye health and preventing blindness. For people who have the gift of sight, navigating daily activities like crossing streets, shopping, and reading signs is second...
9 Fun Eye Facts in Observance of World Sight Day
October 10 marks World Sight Day, a global event dedicated to raising awareness about eye health, preventing blindness, the various diseases that affect our vision, and the effects those conditions can have on everyday life. The global observance day was launched by...
4 Questions About Age-Related Macular Degeneration
What is Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)? Age-Related Macular Degeneration — called AMD for short — is an all-too-common eye disease that blurs central vision and can make it harder to drive, read, see faces or do “up-close” work. It is...
Low Vision: Who’s at Risk?
February is Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Low Vision Month. Many people aren’t sure what the definition of low vision is or how it manifests in patients’ lives. Let’s dive into low vision, explore its causes and symptoms, and discuss how...
Guard Your Vision: It’s Glaucoma Awareness Month
January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, which encourages us to start the year thinking about our precious sense of vision and how to safeguard it. Glaucoma is a thief – a silent “sight thief” associated with gradual and permanent vision loss caused by...